Architecture and Design Evolution


Architecture and Design Evolution


Organizational Barriers and Impediments to Big Scrum Implementations


Architecture and Design Evolution


Positive Psychology and Team Performance

Link: Presentation Video on YouTube

[18/03/10]  - Orlando Scrum Gathering blog/link below

[15/03/10]  - Power Scrum: Secrets to a Good Meeting

[15/03/10]  - InfoQ report on the Orlando Scrum Gathering

[12/03/10]  - Prioritization with Pugh

[12/03/10]  - Insights into Scrum illuminated by Lean

[10/03/10]  - Effective Team Chartering

[10/03/10]  - REP Program Description Flyer

[10/03/10]  - Scrum Alliance REP Application Package

[10/03/10]  - Per-Magnus Skoogh Mats Janemalm - Scrum In Context - Sales Driven Development powered by Scrum

[10/03/10]  - Integrating Six Sigma thinking into Scrum-based Development Environments

[03/03/10]  - Scrum Success in a Distributed Team Environment

[22/02/10]  - How I Stole an Office and Fixed Our Daily Scrum

[19/02/10]  - Why Go Agile—Why Should I Embrace Change?

[19/02/10]  - How to Sustain Adaptive Planning

[04/02/10]  - Can Scrum Support Six Sigma?

[28/01/10]  - What does a ScrumMaster do?

[25/01/10]  - Power of the Post-it